Foods that cause diaper rash in breastfed babies: An exclusive list

Food is the basic need to survive on this planet and to maintain health. But lactating mothers need to be extra alert in terms of food selection because there are some foods that cause diaper rash in breastfed babies. Such as foods that are highly allergenic, and foods that are spicy or acidic in nature.
In this blog, we will discuss 10 highly suspected foods to cause diaper rash.
Beware lactating mothers to prevent diaper rash
Lactating mothers need to be aware of their foods, as some foods can cause diaper rash in breastfed babies. Some foods which are known to cause diaper rash are those which are highly allergenic, such as peanuts or shellfish. Other foods which can cause diaper rash are those which are spicy or acidic foods in nature, such as tomatoes or citrus fruits.

It is important to note that every baby is different, and what may cause diaper rash in one baby may not cause it in another. If you suspect that your baby is reacting to a particular food, it is important to speak to your doctor or healthcare provider.
Give it a try
There are a few foods that have been found to contribute to diaper rash in babies who take breastfeed. These foods include cow’s milk, soy, wheat, corn, eggs, and peanuts. If you are breastfeeding and your baby has a diaper rash, it is recommended that you avoid these foods for a period of time to see if the rash clears up.
List of foods that cause diaper rashes
- Spicy Food
- Soy, wheat, corn, eggs, and peanuts
- Chocolate
- A few herbs
- Citrus Fruits
- Fish With Mercury
- Medication
- Junk Food
- Cow’s Milk
- Gassy Veggies
1. Spicy Food
There are a few reasons why diaper rash and spicy food can be connected. The first reason is that when you eat spicy food, it can cause your body to sweat. And the breast milk contains all those things which a mother easts. This increased sweating in the baby can lead to more moisture in the diaper area, which can then lead to diaper rash.

The second reason is that spicy food can irritate the skin. This irritated skin can appear when the spices are digested and the baby passes loose stools through his sensitive skin. This irritated skin cause diaper rash. Moreover, spicy foods can cause digestive problems. This can lead to diarrhea, which can then irritate the diaper area and cause diaper rash.
2. Soy, wheat, corn, eggs, and peanuts
There are a few common diaper rashes that can be caused by certain foods that are eaten by the lactating mother. These include soy, wheat, corn, eggs, and peanuts. All of these can cause a mild to severe rash in babies.

If you think that your baby may have a food allergy, it is important to talk to your doctor. They will be able to help you determine if your baby is allergic to any of these foods. And if it is so, then you have to avoid them to prevent common diaper rashes.
3. Chocolate
Excess to everything is bad. Mothers who breastfeed their babies and eat too much chocolate can cause yeast infections in their babies which can further lead to diaper rashes. yeast infection is a fungal infection that can be passed from person to person.
Chocolates are hot and mothers transfer them to their babies through milk. due to this hotness babies may develop diaper rash. Therefore, nursing moms should eat chocolate in little quantities.
4. A few herbs
The use of herbs in food increases the taste but their frequent use can also lead to diaper rashes in babies. The most common herbs that lead to diaper rash are peppermint, parsley, and sage. These herbs contain essential oils that can irritate the baby’s skin.

When these herbs are consumed by the mother, they pass into the breast milk and can cause diaper rash in the baby. The best way to avoid this is to limit the use of these herbs in your diet.
5. Citrus Fruits
acidic foods, like citrus fruits, can cause diaper rashes in babies. If you are breastfeeding and eat citrus fruits, try to avoid letting the acidic juices come into contact with your baby’s skin. You can also try to limit your intake of acidic foods if you think they may be causing your baby’s diaper rash. Tomato-based products may also cause a rash problem in your child.

6. Fish With Mercury
As mercury is a harmful element, it can cause diaper rashes in babies if their mother eats fish with mercury. It is thus important for nursing women to avoid consuming fish with mercury. Some types of fish with high mercury levels include sharks, swordfish, and king mackerel.
Instead, lower mercury options like shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, and tilapia are better choices. Nursing mothers should also consult with their doctor to see if there are any other specific dietary recommendations.
7. Medication
Medication is good to retain health. But certain medications eaten by lactating moms cause diaper rash in babies. When these medications build up in a baby’s system, it can cause a range of problems including diaper rash. To avoid this, it is important to talk to your doctor about any medications you are taking while breastfeeding. They can help you find alternatives that won’t build up in your baby’s system and cause problems.

8. Junk Food
Junk food is not good for babies, and it can cause diaper rash. So, be careful! When a lactating mother is eating junk food, it can be passed through their milk to the baby. Junk food can also be passed through the placenta to the baby. Babies who eat Junk Food are more likely to get diaper rash.

Junk food can also make the rash worse. So, if you are a lactating mother, or if you are pregnant, try to avoid Junk Food. And, of course, if your baby has a diaper rash, be sure to take him or her to the doctor.
9. Cow’s Milk
If you are nursing your baby, cow’s milk can cause rashes. This is because cow’s milk contains a protein that is not easily digested by the human body, which can then cause an allergic reaction. If you think you may be allergic to cow’s milk, speak to your doctor. cow’s milk is also one of the most common food allergens, so it is important to be aware of this if you have a baby with allergies.

Cow’s milk is also a common trigger for eczema, so if your baby has eczema, you should avoid cow’s milk. a baby is so sensitive to cow’s milk that even a small amount can trigger a reaction.
10. Gassy Veggies
Gassy veggies like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower can cause rashes if nursing moms eat them. The reason is that these veggies contain sulfur, which is a gas-producing compound. When sulfur is released into the gut, it can cause flatulence and bloat. This in turn can lead to rashes.

So, if you are a nursing mom and you experience rashes in your baby’s diaper area after eating these veggies, it’s best to avoid them. Moreover, these veggies are difficult to digest and can cause colic in babies. So, it’s best to avoid them if you are nursing.
Effective suggestion to treat diaper rash
- Keep your baby’s bottom clean and dry. Diaper rash is more likely to occur when the skin is wet or soiled.
- Make a routine to diaper change often. The longer a baby sits in a wet or dirty diaper, the greater the chance of developing a rash.
- Let your baby go diaper-free when possible. This gives the skin a chance to air out and helps prevent irritation.
- Be gentle, when cleaning your baby’s bottom, use baby wipes free of alcohol and fragrances. You may also want to try wipes that are premoistened with water or other soothing solutions.
- Choose the right diaper.
- If your baby has sensitive skin, try using diapers that are free of dyes and fragrances. You may also want to use cloth diapers or disposable diapers with breathable sides.
- Apply a barrier cream like petroleum jelly. This can help protect your baby’s skin from wetness and irritation. Be sure to choose a cream that is free of dyes, fragrances, and other irritating ingredients.
- Diaper rash is a common skin irritation that can occur in babies and toddlers. The best way to prevent diaper rash is to eat healthy food. A healthy diet will help to keep your skin healthy and free from irritation. Breastfeeding moms should eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Avoid sugary and processed foods as much as possible.
- Be aware of the difference between nappy rash and nappy thrush.
- Be always aware of the signs and symptoms of diaper rashes.
- Use mild soap and make sure the area is dry before putting on a new diaper.
Every mother wants to see her baby healthy and happy. But diaper rashes are so irritating and make a baby so uncomfortable. So little effort can make it possible to have happy parenting. Try to avoid such foods which are suspected related to diaper rashes. This article has told you about the foods that cause diaper rash in breastfed babies.
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