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First Sign of Puberty in Female: 5 Important Things!

First Sign of Puberty in Female: 5 Important Things!

Puberty? Oh yes, an era of changes, confusion, hesitation, and exploration. Puberty is that time of life that brings a bulk of physical changes. These changes also affect the mood, nature of an individual, choices, and goals. The first sign of puberty in female brings a lot of confusion.

This is the time when she needs proper guidance. Puberty is a normal part of life that comes into the life of every individual. This time brings so many questions because the body and the body shape change rapidly.

These changes are physical, psychological, and emotional. An individual gets confused about whether he/she did something wrong that his/her body is reacting to. The first sign of puberty in female is totally different from the first sign of puberty in males. Females are so sensitive that young girls get disturbed due to these signs.

Such as facial hair, breast development, sexual development, and even weight gain. Body odor gets changed it is considered a normal puberty sign. But young girls shower regularly to get rid of it.

The physical changes during puberty make a puberty girl so bizarre. That is why she really needs something or someone who guides her properly about all the puberty symptoms. This article would be very helpful to answer most of the questions related to the first sign of puberty. 

Physical Changes

The average age of puberty for females is 10-12 years but still, it is normal if it happened around 8-13 years. First sign of puberty in female appears physically. This means physical changes are above all.

Breast development

First and foremost change appears in the breast. The breast buds either start to become tender and softer or a little hard. In both cases, it is a healthy sign that now a female is moving from childhood to puberty. Therefore, the first sign of puberty in females is typical that their breasts start to grow.

Menstrual cycle

Right after two years of the first sign of puberty in female, which means breast development she has her first period. She starts experiencing periods every month after that. This is also another healthy sign of puberty. The pituitary gland makes hormones of different types.

A happy individual after the first sign of puberty in female.
A happy individual after the first sign of puberty in female.

One of them is progesterone hormones which are responsible for the first period and for regulating periods every month. The duration of the period is from 3 days to 1 week. During this time blood is released from the uterus of the female and discharged from the vagina. This is a natural arrangement to clean the uterus every 28 days.

Armpit and pubic hair

Armpit and pubic hair appear. 8-9 years is the average age for an armpit hair girl. Some females may have hair in some other parts of the body like the chin, cheeks and at the top lips, all this hair is normal and there is no need to be worried about it.


Females start to sweat more. They often get acne, blackheads, whiteheads, and pustules. As puberty starts, the Apocrine sweat gland in the armpit and genital area develops. This gland is responsible for producing body odor. As puberty starts Apocrine sweat gland starts to produce hormones, due to which female sweats more than before. And we feel the smell from child’s body which we did not experience before.

Growth spurt

After the first sign of puberty in female, she has a growth spurt which means she experiences rapid growth in terms of height, weight, bones, muscles, and other physical features. It is a very short time period but the physical development is so quick. The age of growth spurt for females is between 8 years to 13. Right after the first sign of puberty in females, genitals start to develop for reproduction. That means the female’s body is ready to carry a baby and deliver as well.

Hormonal Changes

Puberty starts when the hypothalamus in the brain starts to produce a hormone named gonadotropin. Gonadotropin has a direct effect on ovaries in females that cause an increase in the sex hormones (estrogen). Estrogen is responsible for the development of physical features and reproductive organs.

Adrenal glands are located in the central nervous system and release different types of hormones. Adrenal glands are responsible for maintaining a human’s metabolism, immune system, blood pressure, etc.

Menstruation (periods) often starts at the age of 12 or right after two years when the first sign of puberty in female appears. Vaginal discharge also starts in puberty, it is a white liquid which releases from the vagina. It is very normal to have vaginal discharge. It is a natural arrangement for cleaning and protecting the vagina.

Emotional Changes

The first sign of puberty in female not just affects her body and outlook but also affects emotions of her. A girl can show stronger and more intense emotions that she has never shown before. Her mood swings can become so frequent and random.

Confusion, anxiety, and anger

During puberty, it is very common to experience confusion, anxiety, and anger without any reason. Because it is happening due to all the hormonal changes which are taking place inside her body.

All these emotional changes take place because in puberty the part of the brain responsible for feeling emotions develops at a fast speed. Whereas the other part of the brain which regulates reasoning, emotions, and deep thinking develops later.

Picture depicts confusion after the first sign of puberty in female.
Most girls start puberty at the age of 12. One of the early puberty signs is breast growth.

In puberty, a girl feels that she is unable to control her emotions, or she is not having the capacity to deal with intense feelings. Therefore, she often gets irritated and frustrated. So, there is a need to talk to them and teach them patience.

Social Changes

The first sign of puberty brings lots of changes in terms of social dealings. A female observes so many social changes. Relationships with the family get changed and she strives for independence and privacy. It confused her about whether to identify with children or with adults.

She continues to search for her best fit company, for this she experiments with her choice of food, dressing, hairstyles, etc. She feels good while spending more time with friends rather than family. Here is an alert call for the parents that most of the kids join the bad company due to the confusion of puberty.

This bad company spoils their personalities and career. So, choosing friends wisely is outstanding! At this stage, a girl explores more about right and wrong. It irritates her that when adults do wrong she often argues with them as well. So it sometimes causes their bad behaviors.

She starts to make a new set of moral values for herself. It also forced her to think about whether she can make rational decisions. Whether she can make a positive view of her personality in front of her friends. After the first sign of puberty, a girl meets lots of new people and friends. She also compares herself with them, this comparison sometimes confuses her and affects her self-esteem.    

Role of Parents (Puberty Support)

During puberty, the role of parents is so crucial, especially for mothers after the first sign of puberty in female. Mothers should maintain a friendly relationship with their daughters. So that they can easily communicate all the issues easily with them.

Mothers should introduce their daughters to different platforms of puberty support. Where girls can easily find answers to all the questions which confuse them. Mothers can show stages of puberty for girls+pictures to resolve most of the issues. Some mothers think about how to delay puberty in a girl naturally which is not good for their health.

Try to give more love and attention to them than before. This will help girls to feel secure rather than lonely. Give them responsibilities, little independence, and trust them. In this way, they will build confidence in themselves. Talk about all the changes which are happening in them after the first sign of puberty. This will help them to deal with them rationally. They will prepare themselves for those changes and will not get confused.   


Puberty is the other name of confusion with so many changes. This is the stage where parents and family should act very rationally and give strong support to the child. They must treat their child with a mixed approach, treat them as an adult and take care of them as a child. This technique would be really helpful to sustain a positive image of personality after the first sign of puberty in female.   

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About The Author

Qurratulain Nabeel

This is QURRATULAIN - an M.Phil in Applied Psychology. Being a mother of two I tried to put my knowledge into practice, which proved very beneficial for me. By using the platform of I am so pleased to share my experience with people all around the world.

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