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Holiday Stress Management: 6 Tips to focus on!!

Holiday Stress Management: 6 Tips to focus on!!

Holidays have always been a fun time to spend with family and friends. Celebrating holidays have always been a blissful event round the year. But the concepts of holiday stress and holiday stress management are also quite common. You may ask; what is holiday stress?

Holiday stress occurs owing to the fact that many things need to done in short time duration. And with kids, one may feel pressured. Although holidays have their own excitement and thrill. However, things have been changed for the past two years. The arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the lives of people. Holiday stress during COVID has increased a lot more than in the previous years.

We may not be traveling and partying in these holidays. Similarly, going to relatives or relatives visiting us would not be possible also. However, our kids will definitely be with us. They will be celebrating the holidays with us. So, some excitement and thrill linked with holiday stress will also be there. Wanna celebrate holidays to the fullest? Here are some holiday stress management tips that can help you as parents a lot:

1. Keep Your Priorities Clear!

COVID-19 is still a threatening problem around the globe. Therefore, holidays may not be as inclusive as they used to be. Chances of over-scheduling are minimum. But, still, there are things to do and things not to do. Always keep your priorities clear and straightforward. Social media sites are full of suggestions as to spending the holidays at home. Trying every plan and design can cause fatigue for everyone. Furthermore, there are no definite chances that every plan will turn out as you had expected. However, it is YOU who has to decide what is important.

There is no need to wear everyone out while trying to go overboard in doing unnecessary things. Instead, try to do simple but meaningful activities. This is a good holiday stress management technique. These activities can bring you and your kids closer together as a family. And This is what we really want, Right???

2. You (The Parent) is also Important

It is said that holidays are for the kids. No doubt, this is true. However, parents are also equally important. In fact, if parents can manage themselves during the holidays, kids get more chances of enjoyment and excitement. So, focus on taking care of yourself as well. You have to be physically and emotionally happy. In this way, you can incite happiness in your kids too. Sleep properly. Do not stress out on minor things. Control your emotions. Schedule things systematically. And we guarantee you a life-time experience of a holiday.

While arranging and celebrating holidays, sometimes things can get out of control due to excitement. We’ll suggest you to keep your calm at such moments. The kids are also trying to adjust in this new holiday regime. Give them some space to keep your own emotional health intact. Try this holiday stress management to see the results for yourself!!

3. Engage Your Kids

This is the not-so-secret ingredient of spending the best holiday ever. And trust me when I say this. Kids are very creative beings. Far more than us adults. Engaging them in holiday preparation can connect you more closely with each other. You can realize how grownup your kids have become. You can try to see the world from their eyes. And believe me that world is far far better than the actual one.

Holiday stress management: engaging kids with you
Father and Daughter together!!

However, always keep in mind that they are still kids. They may make mistakes. They may damage things. It is also possible that they can slow down your speed. You can get upset with their behavior and actions. But they are also trying to do their best. Therefore, always remain in control of your emotions with your kids. Otherwise, you will damage their (and your) holiday spirits.

4. Lowering expectations from kids

This is a very important holiday stress management technique!!!

Kids are kids. They will always behave as they should according to their age. This is not something to burst out in negative emotions. Kids can throw a tantrum at any moment and without prior telling. As parents, you should keep your expectations realistic. We all want our kids to behave properly and nicely. But this does not mean that we should expect them to do so always. They are small human beings with minimal control over their emotions. So, Let go of your fantasy of an ideal kid. Even we are not ideals as adults. So, why bother kids and disturb ourselves as well.

5. Support your kids

Your kids always look up to you for everything. In a situation where they cannot socialize during holidays as in the past, they can be frustrated as well. So they need your extra help and extra attention. Feel free to give your optimal love to your kids these holidays. Engage in holiday stress relief games with them such as meditation, yoga, etc. This will lead to decline in holiday stress for yourself as well. The time will pass but the memories will always remain in their hearts.

6. Hugs, Kisses and Smiles!!

holiday stress management: love can conquer all
Love can undo Stress

If all else fails and you feel that your holiday stress management is going nowhere, go for touch. Hug you kids. Kiss them. Let them know that you are there for them in these stressful times as well. Kids have the ability to return your love twofold back to you. And this will eliminate your holiday stress as well. Snuggle in a blanket with your kids and connect with them. Listen to their stories.


Holidays will eventually pass and then come again next year. The thing that will be retained forever is the feeling that you and your kids have experienced. So, make it worth this holiday with your love, care and attention towards your kids. Try to follow our holiday stress tips 2022 as given above. Ultimately your holiday stress will be managed as well.

We would be very happy to hear from you on the comments sections of our Facebook page. You can also visit our Quora page. Feel free to leave your comments and queries about holiday stress management!!!

About The Author

Affaf Amjad

Having an MPhil in Applied psychology and being a mother of three kids, I have always tried to try and test different psychological interventions and approaches in the day-to-day routine of my kids. Sharing my results and effective strategies with parents around the globe is the my main aim as a writer.

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