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How to stop baby hiccups after feeding

How to stop baby hiccups after feeding

Baby hiccups are usually harmless and will go away on their own. However, if your baby is having difficulty feeding or breathing, you may search for some simple techniques for how to stop baby hiccups after feeding. Give break between feedings, try burping, give a pacifier, gripe water, etc.

In this article, the causes of infant hiccups and some tips for how to stop baby hiccups after feeding.

Are newborn hiccups good for baby’s growth?

Hiccups are a normal part of life for newborn babies. In fact, they’re actually good for baby’s growth! Hiccups help to strengthen the large muscles in the food pipe, which is important for proper development. Plus, they help to stimulate the digestive system, which is also beneficial for baby’s growth.

So if your newborn has the occasional hiccup, don’t worry, it’s all part of the normal growth process! Hiccups tend to happen more often when a baby is hungry, so they can be a sign that it’s time to feed. If your baby is hiccupping frequently, try burping them more often during feedings. This will help to release any trapped air bubbles and may help to lessen the occurrence of hiccups.

Causes of baby’s hiccups

Hiccups are usually harmless and go away on their own. However, if your baby is having trouble feeding or breathing, you should seek medical attention. In rare cases, hiccups can be a sign of a more serious condition, such as pneumonia. If you’re concerned about why babies get hiccups talk to your pediatrician.

If you want to know the Causes of baby’s hiccups , excess air is one of the most common causes. When a baby eats too fast or drinks too much, it can take in excess air. This can lead to hiccups. Other possible causes include:

  1. Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)
  2. Feeding position
  3. Feeding too quickly
  4. Swallowing too much air
  5. Sudden change in temperature
  6. Excitement or stress
  7. A full stomach
  8. Carbonated beverages
  9. Smoking (if the mother smokes)

Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) means that stomach contents — including acid — flow backward up into the esophagus. This can trigger hiccups. GERD is common in infants and doesn’t usually cause harm. However, it can be uncomfortable for your baby. If your baby has GERD, he or she may spit up more than usual, vomit, or refuse to feed.

Feeding position

Sometimes feeding position can cause vocal cords to spasm and trigger hiccups. Might be the position in which the mother is holding the baby while feeding is not comfortable for him. Your baby gets distressed and vocal cords start to spasm. Also, if a mother is not burping the baby after every feed, it can also cause hiccups in babies.

how to stop baby hiccups after feeding, hold baby properly while feeding.
Be careful during feeding time, especially for bottle feeding baby. A mobile device is completely prohibited.

Feeding too quickly

There is another different thing that can trigger hiccups in babies. One of the most common is feeding too quickly. When baby eats too fast, they may swallow a lot of air along with their food. This can trigger hiccups.

Swallowing too much air

Another cause of a hiccup is that baby may be swallowing too much air. This can happen if the baby’s lips are not sealed tightly around the nipple or if the baby’s tongue is placed too far back in the mouth. Another possibility is that the muscle that separates the chest and abdominal cavities (the diaphragm) is spasming.

how to stop baby hiccups after feeding, lips must be sealed around the nipple.
A baby’s stomach gets more air if the baby’s mouth is not holding the whole nipple.

Sudden change in temperature

Sudden changes in temperature can cause hiccups in the baby after feeding. This is because when the baby ingests food or drink, the air inside the stomach increases. This rise in pressure causes the diaphragm to contract, and the hiccups are the sound of that muscle spasming. Because hiccups are involuntary, there’s not a lot you can do to stop them.

how to stop baby hiccups after feeding, by burping.
It is a medically reviewed fact that sudden changes in temperature can cause a hiccup.

Excitement or stress

Excitement or stress may cause hiccups in the baby after feeding. Hiccups are caused by the diaphragm contracting too rapidly. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including if the baby is over-tired, has had a sudden fright, or has swallowed too much air.

how to stop baby hiccups after feeding. burp baby often.
Many babies get hiccups due to excitement or stress.

If hiccups persist, they may be a sign of an underlying medical condition and you should speak to your doctor. Babies tend to hiccup more frequently than adults, but it is nothing to worry about. and usually goes away on its own.

A full stomach

A full stomach is another common cause of hiccups in babies. When the stomach is full, it puts pressure on the diaphragm. This pressure can trigger the hiccup reflex.

Carbonated beverages

Large muscles in the stomach and diaphragm may trigger hiccups in babies after feeding. Carbonated beverages can also cause this condition. Carbonated beverages are not good for a baby’s health. So, it is better to avoid them.

Smoking (if the mother smokes)

Smoking is dangerous for both smokers and surrenders. But when it comes to babies, smoking is even more dangerous. Studies have shown that when a mother smokes, her large muscles trigger hiccups in the baby after feeding.

This can lead to serious health problems for the baby, including respiratory problems and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). So if you’re a smoker, please quit for the sake of your child. It’s not worth the risk.

Tips to stop or prevent baby hiccups

After having a detailed conversation on the causes of baby hiccups, let’s have a look at a few tricks on how to stop baby hiccups after feeding.

  1. Taking breaks in feeding
  2. Gripe water
  3. Try burping
  4. Smaller meals
  5. Ice water
  6. Holding breath
  7. Upright position
  8. Use a pacifier

Taking breaks in feeding

Sometimes babies take feed at a very fast speed and that causes hiccups. Let your baby take a break from eating. To prevent hiccups, you should switch breasts while feeding or take a break in between feeds. This will help the baby to avoid hiccups. You can also get guidance about breastfeeding a baby.

how to stop baby hiccups after feeding, by taking breaks in feeding.
Peer-reviewed studies showed that taking breaks in feeding can prevent hiccups.

Another advantage of taking a break is that it will help the baby to drink less air while feeding and that can also prevent hiccups. So, if your baby is suffering from hiccups, then you should try these tips to prevent them.

Gripe water

If your baby is suffering from hiccups a lot then gripe water can help. Gripe water is a herbal remedy that you can give to your baby in order to help soothe their tummy and stop hiccups. All you have to do is add a few drops of gripe water to your baby’s bottle and then give it to them to drink. This should help to stop their hiccups quickly.

You can also give it directly to your baby if they are old enough to take it from a spoon. Just put a few drops on the back of their tongue and they will swallow it down. Gripe water is a safe and effective way to stop hiccups in babies. It is made from natural ingredients and is gentle on their tummy.

Try burping

Try burping your baby or taking a short break between feedings. If a baby has a hiccup spell that lasts more than a few minutes, try burping them or taking a break from feeding to give their digestive system a chance to reset. Do burp your baby frequently during and after feedings.

If your baby is prone to hiccups, try different positions while feeding or burping them to see if that helps. Whatever you do, don’t worry-hiccups are a totally normal part of a baby’s life and usually nothing to be concerned about!

Smaller meals

You can also try feeding your baby smaller meals more often instead of large meals. You can also try feeding your baby smaller meals more often instead of large meals. This will help to keep your baby’s stomach temperature down and avoid irritating your baby’s esophagus. And it is the answer to how to stop baby hiccups after feeding.

If you think that your baby may be teething, you can try giving them a cold teething ring or a frozen washcloth to chew on. This can help to soothe their gums and stop the hiccups.

Ice water

Bottle-fed babies are more prone to hiccups. Try ice water if your baby has trouble getting rid of hiccups. The cold will help to stop the spasms that are causing the hiccups. This can help to get rid of the excess air that is causing the hiccups. If your baby is still having trouble, contact your pediatrician.

how to stop baby hiccups after feeding. Ice water can stop them.
Ice water can stop hiccups but first see the health conditions of the baby.

Holding breath

If your baby has hiccups, one simple way to stop them is by having the child hold their breath. But please do it just for a few seconds not more than that. This technique works because it interrupts the pattern of spasms that cause hiccups. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is a more serious medical issue that can cause hiccups.

If your baby has GERD, you should talk to your doctor about the best way to treat it. Most babies will outgrow hiccups on their own, so there is no need to worry if your child has them occasionally.

Upright position

Holding a baby in an upright position can help to stop hiccups. This is because it helps to regulate the baby’s digestion. Professional medical advice should be sought if the hiccups persist.

Hiccups are caused by diaphragm spasms, which happen when the Large muscle that separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity comes into contact. So holding a baby in an upright position makes it more difficult for the diaphragm to contract, and therefore can help to stop hiccups.

Use a pacifier

Give your baby a pacifier. Sucking on a pacifier can help to stop baby hiccups. If your baby is suffering from acid reflux, you may want to try giving them a pacifier. This is because sucking can help to reduce acid reflux symptoms. Additionally, pacifiers can help to soothe and calm your baby.

how to stop baby hiccups after feeding. a pacifier can help to stop hiccups.
Using a pacifier can help stop this mysterious reflex means hiccups.

Of course, you should always consult with your child’s doctor before giving them a pacifier. This is especially important if your baby is suffering from other symptoms, such as fever or diarrhea.


All in all medically reviewed or not, hiccups occur when partially digested food irritates the diaphragm. while some home remedies like burping your baby or feeding them sugar might work, the only guaranteed way to get rid of hiccups is time. This article helpful for new and already parents to know about baby hiccups in detail.

Hiccups are involuntary but after reading this article, you should be able to get rid of your baby’s hiccups with little to no effort. Moreover, it also guided you about the causes of why hiccups occur and when to see a doctor.

We have also discussed some effective home remedies that you can use to get rid of your baby’s hiccups. So, the next time your little one has hiccups, try out some of these remedies and see which one works best for you.

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About The Author

Qurratulain Nabeel

This is QURRATULAIN - an M.Phil in Applied Psychology. Being a mother of two I tried to put my knowledge into practice, which proved very beneficial for me. By using the platform of I am so pleased to share my experience with people all around the world.

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