How to get rid of Colic in Breastfed Babies? Complete Outline!

Almost all moms know the dreaded cry of a colicky baby and ask how to get rid of colic in breastfed babies. For some babies, it seems like colic is never-ending. While there is no one surefire way to get rid of colic, here are some tips that might help:
- Always keep baby upright after feeding.
- Burping the baby is a must
- Breastfeed when the baby is calm.
- Avoid overfeeding when breastfeeding.
- Breastfeeding positions and colic in babies.
- Breastfeeding mother must take probiotic supplements daily.
- Nutritious diet is a must for breastfeeding mothers.
- Avoid caffeine, artificial sweeteners and processed foods.
- Refrain from garlic and other foods having strong odors.
- Overactive letdown reflex and colic.
- Play white noise in the background while breastfeeding.
- Use pacifiers, if need arises.
- Rest of the breastfeeding mother is also essential.
- Beware of your medicines.
- Seek guidance.
- Massaging helps against colic.
In this article, we’ll discuss the different tips and ways on how to get rid of colic in breastfed babies in detail!
Colicky babies: A major parental concern!
It is estimated that between 5% and 25% of all infants experience colic, with the condition peaking around 6 to 8 weeks of age. Though the exact cause of colic is not known, it is believed to be linked to gastrointestinal distress or immaturity of the nervous system.
Colic typically manifests as periods of uncontrollable crying, often in the late afternoon or evening. Parents of colicky babies often report that their child seems to be in pain, despite there being no obvious reason for their distress.
Therefore excessive crying in an otherwise healthy baby is usually diagnosed as baby’s colic. Colicky infants suffer from baby gas due to an immature digestive system. Many babies around the globe suffer from this issue. It is recommended to visit family physicians because a family doctor can check the history of infantile colic. Resultantly, he/she is better able to understand the colic symptoms and baby’s cries.
Colicky baby: Breastfed vs Bottle-fed
- For breastfed babies, colic has been linked to a sensitivity to certain proteins in breast milk.
- For bottle-fed babies, colic has been linked to an intolerance to lactose or artificial sweeteners.

If you’re a new mom, then you’ve probably heard about colic. It’s that condition that affects some breastfed babies and can make life pretty miserable for both baby and mom. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to help get rid of colic in your little one. This is equally true for a breastfed baby and a baby who is on formula or cow’s milk. Keep reading to learn more!
Ways to get rid of colic in breastfed babies
Baby colic is a condition that affects breastfed babies as well as formula fed babies. It is characterized by crying and fussiness and can be very distressing for both babies and parents. There are a number of possible causes of a baby’s colic, but the exact cause is not always clear. However, there are a few things that you can do to help ease your baby’s discomfort and reduce the chances of infant colic occurring. Here are 16 tips to get rid of colic in breastfed babies:
1. Always keep baby upright after feeding
After every breastfed baby feeding, it’s important to keep your baby upright for at least 30 minutes. This will help to avoid colic, which is when gas gets trapped in the stomach and causes pain. Gas can be caused by unrestrained swallowed air or by an incorrect latch while breastfeeding.
Keeping your baby upright after feedings will help to reduce the risk of colic and provide relief from any discomfort caused by gas. In this way, the breast milk is also properly digested. Every breastfeeding specialist suggests this routine to calm babies with colic specifically.
2. Burping the baby is a must
Newborns typically eat every two to three hours, and as they feed, they tend to swallow a lot of air. This can lead to tummy pain and discomfort, as well as frequent burping. Burping helps to release the air bubble and can prevent colic, which is a condition that causes prolonged crying and fussiness. There are a few different ways to burp a newborn:
- The most common method is to hold the baby upright against your chest and gently pat their back.
- Some parents also find it helpful to lay the baby on their lap and gently rub their back in a circular motion.
Regardless of which method you choose, be sure to keep a clean cloth on hand to catch any spit-up. Burping helps the baby in digesting the mother’s milk or the infant formula that he is consuming. This is also helpful for the babies who consume cow’s milk.
3. Breastfeed when the baby is calm
One way to help ease the symptoms of colic is to breastfeed when the baby is calm. This allows the baby to take in milk slowly and calmly, giving their digestive system time to adjust. If the baby is fussy and trying to latch on constantly, he or she may swallow air and end up with more gas.
Babies cry when they are fussy. Colic cry is far worse than the normal crying of an infant. This crying goes on and on for long periods. For instance, the baby may cry for three or more hours unstoppably. That is why, it is important to settle unsettled babies to soothe colic.
Once the baby is calm, try nursing for a few minutes on each side. If the baby becomes fussy again, burp him or her and then try nursing once more. Following this routine may help to ease the discomfort of colic and allow both you and your baby to get some much-needed rest.
4. Avoid overfeeding when breastfeeding
Overfeeding can be a contributing factor to baby colic, as a baby’s stomach may become cramped and full before they have had a chance to digest the breast milk properly. When an infant overeats, they may swallow air along with their milk, leading to gas and bloating. Overeating can also cause the baby’s stomach to produce more acid, leading to discomfort.
To avoid overfeeding, watch for your baby’s cues and stop when they show signs of being full. The best way to ensure that your infant is getting the nutrients they need is to breastfeed frequently and on demand.
5. Breastfeeding positions and colic in babies
Breastfeeding mothers often find themselves wondering how to get rid of colic in their newborns. Most babies show colic symptoms when it comes to breastfeeding. One way to help ease baby’s symptoms is to try different breastfeeding positions.
- Hold your baby close to your body in an upright position, as this will help them to digest the milk more easily.
- You may also find it helpful to cradle your baby’s head in your hand while they feed, as this will allow them to control the flow of milk better.
- Some mothers find that leaning back slightly while breastfeeding can also be helpful, as it allows gravity to assist in the movement of milk through the breast.
Experiment with different positions and hold your infant close to your body until you find what works best for you and your newborn even if your infant is consuming cow’s milk.
6. Breastfeeding mother must take probiotic supplements daily
If your infant is suffering from colic, you may be wondering if there is anything you can do to help. Most babies respond well to probiotic supplements taken by their breastfeeding mothers. Probiotics are live microorganisms that are similar to the beneficial bacteria found in the gut. They can help to restore the balance of bacteria in the gut, which may be beneficial for babies with colic.
A small study found that probiotic supplements taken by breastfeeding mothers reduced crying time in infants with colic. This is what every mother of a crying baby needs. However, more research is needed to confirm these findings to enhance the understanding related to colic remedies and how to relieve colic.
7. Nutritious diet is a must for breastfeeding mothers
If your baby is displaying signs of colic, it may be helpful to take a look at your diet. Studies have shown that a nutritious mother’s diet is one of the best ways to help against colic in infants. The reasoning is that an infant who is breastfed is more likely to have a healthy gut, and a healthy gut is less likely to experience colic.
Additionally, a baby who is fed a nutritious diet is less likely to experience gas and bloating, both of which can contribute to colic. Sometimes, mothers eat certain foods such as dairy products or spicy foods. These foods are harmful for the sensitive digestive system of the infant. Therefore, it is important for the breastfeeding mothers to adopt an elimination diet if they want to see that colic disappears in their infants.

If you are breastfeeding, be sure to eat a variety of nutrient-rich foods and drink plenty of water. If you are bottle feeding, talk to your childcare provider about which brand of formula may be best for your infant. Either way, a nutritious diet for the mother is one of the best ways to help reduce the chances of colic in an infant. Try this technique and you’ll see your baby’s symptoms disappear.
8. Avoid caffeine, artificial sweeteners and processed foods
Breastfeeding mothers should avoid caffeine, processed food and artificial sweeteners to avoid colic in babies. Caffeine can cause restlessness and irritability in some infants, while processed food and artificial sweeteners (such as soft drinks) can make baby’s tummy upset. All this leads to a crying baby. You can try eliminating these foods from your diet for a week or two to see if it makes a difference in your baby’s crying. If you notice that your baby is calmer after you avoid these foods, then it’s likely that they were the cause of the colic.
9. Refrain from garlic and others foods having strong odors
Any parent who has dealt with a baby with colic knows what is colic and how difficult it can be. Breastfeeding mothers may be more likely to have a baby with colic if they eat garlic and certain foods with strong odor. The reason for this is that the odor can pass into the breastmilk, causing the infant to experience gastrointestinal discomfort.
10. Overactive letdown reflex and colic
There is a lot of misinformation out there about colic in infants who are breastfed. Colic is often thought to be caused by gas or food allergies, but the real culprit is actually an overactive letdown reflex. This occurs when the milk flows too fast for the infant to drink, and the infant swallows a lot of air along with the milk. If your infant is exhibiting signs of colic, there are several things you can do to help.
- First, try nursing your infant in a semi-upright position. This will help to slow down the flow of milk and give the infant time to swallow properly.
- You can also try using a nipple shield, which will help to control the amount of milk flowing into the baby’s mouth.
- Finally, make sure that you are burping your baby frequently during and after feedings.
11. Play white noise in the background while breastfeeding
White noise has been shown to help soothe a colicky infant. It is thought that the constant, low-level sound of white noise helps to mask other background noise, making it easier for the baby to focus on feeding. In addition, the steady rhythm of white noise can help to relax both baby and mother, making it easier to fall into a comfortable breastfeeding routine. Bottle feeding can also sometimes cause colic, as it can lead to air bubbles being swallowed.
One study found that 70% of infants who were exposed to white noise cried for less than 5 minutes, compared to only 25% of infants who were not exposed to white noise. White noise can help to mask other sounds, which can be helpful for a baby who is sensitive to sound.
12. Use pacifiers, if need arises
Parents usually look for a cure for colic when they see the baby may have colic. This is true for both bottle feeding babies and babies who rely on breast milk equally. Parents of a colicky baby can try pacifiers in an attempt to bring relieve the baby cries. There are mixed opinions about the use of pacifiers. A baby may be relieved of cries but other infections may occur. Track how many hours a day is the baby taking the pacifier.
13. Rest of the breastfeeding mother is also essential
Parents often ask what is colic and what causes colic. Colic is defined as hours of crying a day, usually in the evening. There is no specific cause of colic. More than one cause can be found. Breastfeeding mothers need to rest just as much as their babies do. In order to have enough milk for their baby, they need to drink plenty of fluids and eat a healthy diet.
Mothers who are not getting enough rest are more likely to have a lower milk supply. Colicky babies often cry for more than just some hours a day, which can be very draining for both the baby and the mother. When a mother is well-rested, she will be able to better handle the crying spells and provide her baby with the nutrition he or she needs.
14. Beware of your medicines
It is common for some medicines taken by a breastfeeding mother to cause colic in babies. They are usually passed through the milk and into the baby’s system. Some of the most common medications that have been linked to colic include antidepressants, antihistamines, and some pain medications. They are thought to cause colic by altering the level of serotonin in the baby’s gut, which can lead to increased intestinal contractions and gas.

If you are breastfeeding and your baby has colic, talk to your health care provider about whether any of the medications you are taking could be contributing to the problem to rule out the chances. They may be able to prescribe an alternative medication or suggest other ways to relieve your baby’s discomfort when they see it necessary.
15. Seek guidance
For mothers who are struggling to cope with babies with colic and asking what causes colic, seeking guidance from those who have been through the experience can be invaluable. There are many online forums and support groups where mothers can share advice and tips on how to cope with colic. In addition, talking to a health care provider such as a lactation consultant can also be helpful. By seeking out guidance from others, they are likely to find ways to help soothe their babies and ease the symptoms of colic.
16. Massaging helps against colic
Massage your baby to help get them relaxed and comfortable, which may help to ease the symptoms of colic. If you’re looking for an alternative to medication or other methods that haven’t worked for your baby, consider giving infant massage a try to see if it works – it just might provide the relief you’ve been seeking.
If you are a breastfeeding mom with a colicky baby, hopefully some of these methods will help to soothe your little one. Each baby is different. So it may take a little bit of trial and error before you find what works best for your child. Keep calm and carry on – you’ve got this!
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