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List of New Year Resolutions with Action Plan

List of New Year Resolutions with Action Plan

New year means, beginning of a new era, a chance to meet with new people and to do some different adventures. But a rational person looks for some goal oriented resolution and make list of new year resolutions. Which is a very sensible approach to utilize time in the best manner. People who are hunting to write a list of new year resolutions which must be fruitful then this blog is best for them.   

I personally experienced that whenever a plan is made with an action plan there are 80% chances to be done. This article will guide you about an important list of new year resolutions ideas along with an action plan. So, I strongly recommend that you guys read this article with a strong belief in yourself. Make a firm promise with you that you are going to do something extraordinary. This extraordinary achievement is for the satisfaction of yourself and for inner peace. Enough with the agitation now enjoy satisfaction.

A hand drawn illustration in which a lady is planning about new year resolutions.
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  • Extra Attention to Healthcare
  • Be a Loyal person
  • Be Punctual
  • Plan a Useful Leisure Activity
  • Plan to Spend Quality Time with Family

Extra Attention to Healthcare

In the whole universe if a person is very important to you it is yourself. So, one of the most important thing in the list of new year resolutions ideas is to take extra care of your health. In the presence of sound health one can achieve anything but without health you can not even move.

Action Plan for New Year Resolution

  • As Covid-19 has shown its drastic and life taking impacts and Omicron is at the doorstep to do a lot. So, it is very important to take safety measures at home, school, and play. Always wear masks and use sanitizers regularly. It is essential to enjoy long lasting health.
  • Monitor your moods and emotions. If these are higher, then try to make yourself calm in those situations where you feel that you get extra emotional or your mood swings badly. Emotions and moods directly attack your heart and liver. The brain functioning also gets abnormal during it. Therefore, promise yourself to try to relax whenever the situation demands you to act madly. 
  • Promise yourself that you will eat healthy, more vegetables and fruits than the junk. Try to drink fresh juices which are vital to maintain good health.
  • Start doing exercise, start with little and then increase duration and regularity with the passage of time. Try to get proper sleep.
  • Spend some time to relax yourself with meditation. Meditation is not difficult at all; you just need to sit quietly with closed eyes and take deep breaths. 

Be a Loyal person as New Year Resolution

In the world, which is full of uncertainty, try to be a certain loyal person. This is very important for a strong well-being to become a faithful and sincere person. A sincere person is always very supportive. He/she loves to enjoy and celebrate the victory of others. Note it down in the list of new year resolutions that this year I must defeat the negativity and disturbing feelings.

Action Plan

  • I will try to become a pure and positive person.
  • Try to keep your mind busy in some fruitful activities. Help others, support others, ignore the criticism, practice patience, do hard work even if others are neglecting their duties.
  • Try to stick to your goal which is to become a loyal person for yourself, for your inner peace and for a smooth working life. Which is far away from agitation, jealousy, frustration, and social comparisons.  

Be Punctual as New Year Resolution

Punctuality is a habit which can become a part of personality with practice. Punctuality is another crucial thing in the list of new year resolutions. It can take a little time to become your habit but it’s not impossible at all. Let’s get into the details of which steps can help us to become punctual.  

Picture is showing different people rushing to complete the tasks.
Picture Source freepik

Action Plan

  • Make a list of everyday tasks.
  • Provoke yourself to complete them within a day.
  • Make yourself realize the importance of those tasks and punctuality. Because once you learn to be punctual it will help you in every field of life and at every stage of life.
  • Make a timeline for yourself, put the first thing first and stick to it.
  • In the beginning start with small. For example if there are 5 tasks in the list and you completed 3 then appreciate yourself. Gradually, increase it. Ultimately, it will become a habit and you will get an inner force which will motivate you to do the tasks in time. That inner force or energy is the base of punctuality. 

Plan a Useful Leisure Activity

It is a saying that a free mind is the home of the devil, which can involve you in negative and useless thinking or tasks. It is better to have some leisure activities. In planning about the list of new year resolutions explore your interests like, drawing, painting, gardening, some outdoor supports, spend time with kids or younger siblings etc. You can show your creativity in the decoration of Christmas. When you involve yourself in some leisure activities, it gives you a sense of satisfaction. In addition, these activities can decrease the level of stress, can increase your creativity, self-accomplishment, improve physical health, and help a lot in personal growth and development. Leisure activities enhance pleasure and fun.

Plan to Spend Quality Time with Family

In the recent technical era, every single person seems to be busy with cell phones, gaming, gadgets, laptops, tabs and computers. Though the world has become a global village and we can easily connect to the person far away from us. Still, we keep ourselves busy with these electronic devices. We are ignoring our own family, parents and siblings. Therefore, it is one of the most important task in the list of new year resolutions to plan to spend quality time with family. Family time makes you emotionally strong and builds your confidence level. It helps to get to know about your own blood relations. We can share our worries and stress and can solve it as well with the help of each other. As a result this valuable time will make some sweet memories which will become a source of happiness in the future.

Hoping this article will boost your thinking process and help you to put some fruitful things in the list of new year resolutions.

Black and golden happy new year card
Picture Source freepik



About The Author

Qurratulain Nabeel

This is QURRATULAIN - an M.Phil in Applied Psychology. Being a mother of two I tried to put my knowledge into practice, which proved very beneficial for me. By using the platform of I am so pleased to share my experience with people all around the world.

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