Causes Of Hair Loss In Teenage Females: 5 Helpful Tips

There are many potential causes of hair loss in teenage females, including medical conditions, hormonal imbalances, and nutritional deficiencies. While some causes can be temporary and reversible, others may be more permanent. Identifying the underlying cause of hair loss and thinning hair is important in order to determine the best medical treatments and hair treatments.
Thinning hair in teenage girls can be attributed to a variety of factors, ranging from hormonal changes to underlying medical conditions. While temporary hair loss is not uncommon during puberty, teenage males also experience it. But it can also be a sign of a more serious problem like androgenic alopecia or alopecia areata in which a person experiences patchy hair loss. If diabetic females lose hair then there are chances to have scalp infection as well.
In this article, we will discuss the most common causes of hair loss in teenage girls and will suggest some solutions to overcome them.
The most common cause of hair loss in teenage girls is telogen effluvium. This is a condition that occurs when there is a disruption in the normal hair growth cycle. Telogen effluvium can be caused by a number of factors, including childbirth, major surgery, extreme stress, or a severe illness.
Some Alarming Signs Towards Hair loss
Anemia is another common cause of hair loss in teenage girls. Anemia is a condition that occurs when there is a deficiency in red blood cells. This can be caused by a number of factors, including poor diet, genetic disorders, or certain medical conditions. Now we are going to discuss some early signs which appear in teenage females related to hair loss.
Excessive Hair Shedding and Birth Control Pills
Excessive hair shedding is an issue that can be faced by a teenage female. While a small amount of hair loss is normal, excessive shedding can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. If no medical condition is found, stress or poor diet may be to blame.
Sometimes teenage girls take birth control pills to enjoy their sex life or to prevent acne on the face. These pills also become a cause of losing hair and they experience excessive hair loss.
Thinning Of The Hair Due to Damaged Hair Follicles
Thinning of the hair is so alarming for a teenage female because it can impact one’s appearance and self-confidence. It can be disturbing to look in the mirror and see excessive hair shedding. thinning of hair means that there is a decrease in the density of hair on the scalp. This happens when hair follicles shrink and produce shorter, finer strands of hair.
Receding Hairline
A receding hairline means your hair is thinning near the temples. This type of teenage hair loss is usually genetic and more common in men. But females can also experience it, especially during puberty and early adulthood. A receding hairline can be so hurting for a young woman’s self-confidence that it causes anxiety and depression. It also inculcates fear of permanent hair loss in teen girls.
Bald Spots
Bald spots are also an early sign of hair loss in female teenagers. It is not as common as diffuse thinning, but it can still be a cause for concern related to hair health. Bald spots are so irritating because they are often itchy and can be a source of embarrassment. They can also be caused by an underlying medical condition or it can be hereditary hair loss.
So if you are experiencing bald spots, it is important to see a doctor to rule out any possible causes. So that you can have proper treatment and eradicate those factors which trigger hair loss.
Dandruff or Excessive Dry Scalp
Dandruff or excessive dry scalp is a common scalp disorder that causes white flakes of skin to appear on the hair and scalp. It can be caused by a number of things, including dry skin, oily skin, stress, and a poor diet. Dandruff is an open enemy of strong hair, it can weaken hair and lead to hair loss. In extreme cases, dandruff can even cause bald patches. If you are experiencing hair loss and dandruff, it is important to address both issues simultaneously in order to maximize your chances of hair regrowth.
Changes In Hair Color or Texture
Changes in hair color or texture are another alarming sign of causes of hair loss in teenage females. It represents that hair is not receiving the proper nutrition it needs. This can be due to many reasons, including the use of a blow dryer, the use of chemicals for hair styling tight braids, or wearing unnecessary hair accessories. All these factors can lead to traction alopecia. Nutrient deficiency, poor diet, vitamin deficiency, or even genetic factors can cause hair damage and causing hair fall.
Common Causes of Hair Loss in Teenage Females
There are numerous causes of hair loss in teenage females. In the proceeding portion of this article, we are going to discuss some common causes of hair loss.
Physical and Emotional Stress
Physical and emotional stress can trigger or worsen hair loss. Some hairstyles, such as hair extensions and tight braids, can also cause hair loss. Such hairstyles or excessive blow-drying give physical stress to the hair. Physical stress such as abusive relationships is one of the severe causes of hair loss in teenage females.
Emotional stress can also lead to hair loss, such as during times of grief, divorce, or job loss. During exams, mental stress is also common and it can lead to hair loss. When a person is under stress, the body produces more of the hormone cortisol. Cortisol can cause the hair follicles to shrink and hair to fall out. These causes of hair loss are usually temporary, and the hair will grow back once the stress is resolved.
Poor Nutrition
Poor nutrition can lead to hair loss. A lack of essential nutrients, such as iron, can cause hair to fall out. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, crash diets and eating disorders can also lead to hair loss in teenage girls. A teenage girl likes to eat junk food like chips, burgers, pizza, etc. All these items do not fulfill the proper nutritional needs of the body.
A high nutritional diet is so crucial for healthy hair growth. In the absence of it, hair can become dull, dry, and weak, and eventually, lead to hair loss. Most of the time, girls get depressed due to hair loss and they think the only solution they see is to cut their hair.

Hormonal Changes
Puberty is a time of massive changes inside and outside the body. Puberty, menopause and other hormonal changes can cause hair loss. These causes can be from changes in your body’s natural balance of hormones. For example, during puberty, the body produces more of the male hormone testosterone. This can cause the hair on your head to thin, as well as hair on other parts of your body.
The hormone estrogen tends to balance out the effects of testosterone. So, when estrogen levels drop during menopause, hair loss can occur. Other causes of hormonal imbalance include conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and thyroid problems. If you’re concerned about hair loss, talk to your doctor about any potential causes.
Certain medications can cause hair loss as a side effect. This is more common with medications used to treat cancer, autoimmune conditions, and depression. Such medications use to treat cancer include chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Autoimmune conditions that can lead to hair loss include lupus and alopecia areata. Medications used to treat depression, such as tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), can also cause hair loss. In most cases, the hair loss is temporary and will stop once the person stops taking the medication.
Hair loss can be hereditary. One of the causes of hair loss in teenage females is heredity. If your mother or sister has experienced hair loss, there is a good chance you may as well. Genetics plays a vital role in hair loss and its susceptibility to hormone changes.
I personally experienced that those families which do have a tendency to baldness, go through heavy hair fall during teenage years. Thyroid problems and other genetic issues can also lead to hair loss in teenage females. If your family has a history of hair loss, be sure to consult with your doctor to see if there is anything you can do to prevent it.
Treatment of Hair Loss
The treatment for hair loss will depend on the cause of hair thinning in young females. If the hair loss is due to a medical condition, treatment will be directed at the underlying condition. Whereas if the hair loss is due to dietary deficiencies, correcting the deficiencies will be the focus of treatment. If the hair loss is due to emotional stress, treatment will focus on relieving the stress.
Moreover, if the hair loss is due to a medication, the medication may need to be discontinued. If the hair loss is due to a hereditary condition, there is no cure, but treatment may be able to slow the progression of the hair loss. Treatment for hair loss may include medications, supplements, or surgery.
Fortunately, there are also a number of effective treatments available.
Balancing Hormones
Hormonal changes are one of the most common causes of hair loss in teenage girls. The female hormone estrogen helps to keep hair healthy and thick, so when levels of this hormone drop (as they do during puberty), hair can become thinner and less lustrous. Birth control pills can help to regulate hormone levels and reduce hair loss.
A Nutrition-Rich Diet
Nutrient deficiencies can also be a reason for hair thinning in young females. Making sure to eat a healthy diet with plenty of protein, iron, and other essential nutrients is crucial for maintaining healthy hair. Teenage girls should make sure they are eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean protein.
Additionally, drinking plenty of water can help to cure hair loss. If you think you may be deficient in any of these nutrients, talk to your doctor about taking supplements. He will recommend a course of treatment specifically for you. He will elaborate on what foods are good for your health and what food you have to avoid.
Hairstyles and Hair Treatment Products
Styling products and treatments can also lead to hair loss in teenage girls. Avoid using harsh chemicals, tight hairstyles, and excessive heat on your hair. If you must use these styling products or treatments, be sure to use them sparingly and with caution.

Resolve Stress Triggers
There are many ways to treat stress-related hair loss, but the most important thing is to identify the source of the stress and address it directly. Often, hair loss due to stress can be reversed with simple lifestyle changes, such as getting more sleep or exercise, or by managing stress with relaxation techniques like yoga or meditation.
If the cause of your stress is more severe, you may need to seek professional help. But no matter what, remember that hair loss due to stress is usually temporary and can be treated. So if you’re experiencing hair loss and you think it might be related to stress, don’t hesitate to talk to your doctor. There are many ways to get your hair back on track, and with the right treatment, you can feel confident and stress-free once again.
Genetics’ Issues
There are many causes of hair loss in teenage females, including genetics. While there is no cure for hair loss related to it, still there are treatments that can help to slow the progression of the condition and improve the appearance of the hair. In some cases, surgery may be an option to restore lost hair.
Some common treatments for hair loss include:
Minoxidil (Rogaine): This is a topical medication that is applied to the scalp twice daily. It can slow the progression of hair loss and help to regrow hair.
Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar): This is a pill that is taken orally once daily. It can be used to treat hair loss in both men and women. It helps to slow the progression of hair loss and can help to regrow hair.
Hair transplant surgery: This is a surgical procedure that can be used to restore lost hair. In this procedure, hair follicles are transplanted from one part of the scalp to another.
Tips that can help in hair growth
- Apply oil to hair roots to prevent hair loss.
- Do monitor your health conditions and check your medical history to figure out the root cause of brittle hair. If there are hormonal fluctuations take a proper treatment to prevent hair loss.
- Hair care is compulsory so apply coconut oil or nourishing oils for better growth of hair.
- Wash your hair trice a week to avoid any fungal infection.
- Avoid doing tight ponytails.
- Do take a nutritious diet because nutrient deficiency is a prominent fact causing hair loss.
- If you have alopecia areata, traction alopecia, thyroid disease, or androgenetic alopecia. Then try to make your immune system stronger to fight off all these diseases. And to escape any psychological disorder caused by the stress or worry of hair thinning.
Hair loss in teenage females is a genuine issue that many young ladies confront. The causes of hair thinning in young females can be diverse, and it is essential to know about these causes with the goal that you can get the necessary treatment if required. After reading this article, you will be more informed about the causes of hair loss in teenage females and how to treat them.
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